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Arkiver Hosted Service

Arkiver jobs can be run locally using the arkiver CLI or deployed to our hosted service. This is a managed solution, we do the heavy lifting for you.

Hosted Service

AWS Hosting

The hosted service runs on AWS, leveraging modern cloud infrastructure tech to provide a reliable, scalable service. The hosted service is suitable for the spectrum of use-cases, from developers experimenting, to applications serving thousands of users. The Robo Labs team is dedicated to delivering fast and reliable data.


The hosted service is free! We are currently in beta and are not charging for the service. We will be introducing a pricing model in the future, but will always have a free tier for developers to experiment with.


Deploy with 2 simple steps:

  1. Create an account: Sign Up
  2. Deploy your first Job by running arkiver deploy . in your arkiver folder.

Once deployed you will see the arkive in the hosted service dashboard.

Hosted Service



Github Integration

A repo can be linked to the arkive jobs, the arkive app will pull the file from the repo if it exists and display the readme in the dashboard.

Note: Fully-fledged github integration in the works, stay tuned!

Data Sources and logs

Arkiver jobs can index cross-chain with a variety of data sources. The Data Sources provides and overview and status of the data sources.

Data Sources


The app also provides a GraphQL for developers to query and experiment with the data

GraphQL Playground